Maxqda License

What is MAXQDA

MAXQDA is a world-leading software package for qualitative and mixed methods research. Analyze all kinds of data – from texts to images and audio/video files, websites, tweets, focus group discussions, survey responses, and much more. Developed by and for researchers, MAXQDA is at once powerful and easy-to-use, innovative and user-friendly, as well as the only leading QDA software that is 100% identical on Windows and Mac.



A personal MAXQDA license for individual users with up to 2 computers. A portable license makes MAXQDA a physical item tied to the USB flash drive it is installed on. Under no circumstances does VERBI take any responsibility in case the MAXQDA license is not available due to loss, theft or damage of the USB flash drive the software is installed on. Installation and Activation GuideUpdated: Page 1. Assuming no prior knowledge in MAXQDA, this workshop will introduce participants to the website where the software can be downloaded and numerous training materials can be accessed. Then, participants will learn about the software’s basic features, including how to add data sources, set up a coding scheme, and apply codes. Hello, Does anyone know how to open or import a MaxQDA 12 file into NVivo 11? I am currently working on a project with a researcher who uses MaxQDA 12. She is supposed to share data with me for further analysis. So she sent me her project file which is a.mx12 file. I could not open it with NVivo. Transfer MAXQDA to a new computer If you want to transfer MAXQDA to a different computer, you just need to deactivate your current MAXQDA installation. Once this is done, your serial number can be used for an activation of MAXQDA on your new computer. Updates As a MAXQDA license holder, you can take advantage of regular free program updates.

I spent several months researching the options, and ultimately decided to trial MAXQDA. We brought in a MAXQDA certified trainer, and bought a network license so that our large team at Microsoft could use the tool. We were not disappointed[…]
I was so convinced in its efficacy in the applied qualitative field that I bought MAXQDA for my team when I joined Amazon. I was especially delighted when they recently added the Stats package, which allows us to avoid the extra expense of buying SPSS.

Sam Ladner, Ph.D.
Senior UX Researcher, Amazon
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MAXQDA 2020 Analytics Pro Version (with crack) Download
Statistical analysis meets qualitative research – Desktop-based for Windows & Mac. MAXQDA Analytics Pro equips you with a large range of tools for statistical analysis. Seamlessly quantify your qualitative data and enrich your analysis with evidence and plausibility. Statistically analyze your qualitative data in MAXQDA or import and connect your data with data sets in the Excel or SPSS format.
Data Compatibility

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Use the Stats module to run statistical calculations with your MAXQDA project data. Statistically analyze code frequencies across documents and create new data groups in your qualitative project based on statistical results.Maxqda License
Include all parts for your data or use activation to limit the analysis to specific documents and codes in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. You can also work with Excel or SPSS data sets – just like you would in any other statistics software package.
Maxqda LicenseDescriptive Statistics
Create basic charts to compare frequency and percentages for variables or codes. Frequency tables are interactive – remove and merge columns or rows with automatic recalculation of percentages. Create customizable charts and diagrams for your results and copy to output viewer or directly to your reports and presentations.
Calculate descriptive statistics including mean, standard deviation, variance, quartiles, median and range.
Compare Groups
There is a wide variety of methods to explore relationships between two or more variables in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Crosstabs are one of the basics that no statistics program can do without: they’re easy to customize and can provide valuable insights for everzone – not just statisticians. Highlighting options make the interpretation of results quick and easy.
If you’re looking for something more advanced, you can also compare the effect of a factor on different groups with an analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Scale, Compute & Recode
Creating your own scale can be a great way to properly measure the dimensions that you are most interested in. Calculate Cronbachs Alpha to check reliability in MAXQDA Analytics Pro. Save scales as new variables and calculate the sum or mean of the item values.

Maxqda License

Create new variables by computing or recoding existing variable values.
User Friendly Output Viewer
Ease of use has always been recognized as a strong trait of the MAXQDA product family, and with MAXQDA Analytics Pro we extend our high standard of usability into the realm of statistical analysis. The integrated output viewer is just one of the many features we’ve implemented to fulfill this promise, but it’s a central one: export every table and every chart to the output viewer with just one click. It will stay there, no matter what you do in the meantime – waiting to be transferred into your report with a simple copy & paste.

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