Simcity 4 Mapper

This script generates a random grayscale image for a SimCity 4 region using the random midpoint displacement algorithm. To generate a region, enter the parameters below and click 'Generate New Map'. Note that generating large regions can be rather slow, so if you're using Firefox, it may complain about a slow script. Clicking 'Continue' will let the script finish. Once it's finished, right click on the image, and click 'Save this image'.

It reads the grayscale as a height-map, with black being the lowest, white the highest, and a neutral gray at sea level. So to create a region of a real-life place, you first need to make a grayscale image of it (unless you want to make it by hand in-game, which will be near-impossible to get exactly correct). SimCity 4 Startup Manager. SimCity 4 Startup Manager is a small tool that can associate certain plugin folders with a region. With one click the region with the appropriate plugins can be loaded in SimCity 4. Intricately moving or renaming of the plugins folders by hand is no longer necessary.

Simcity 4 Mapper
  • Note: you need to register a separate account for the SC4D LEX. Using your SC4D Forums username and password will not work.
  • These map replacements work beautifully in the game and co operate really well with the lot spaces as you can see in the screen below. It is almost five years since the sims 4 was released and it has developed an amazing fan base.
Simcity 4 mapper download

If your browser allows you to select the image type to save to, save it as a *.bmp image. Firefox only allows downloading it as *.png, so in that case you'll have to convert it using Paint, or some other graphics software. Chrome doesn't allow you to directly save the image for some reason, so if you're using Chrome, click 'Open Image' then right click 'Save As Image' on the image that appears.

Simcity 4 Mapper Download

Simcity 4 Mapper

Once you've got a grayscale image saved as *.bmp, you can load it into SimCity 4 using these instructions.

Simcity 4 Mapper

Simcity 4 mapper
MapperYour browser does not support the HTML5 canvas tag.

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